Unsere Unterkünfte

Unsere Unterkünfte

Unser wunderschönes alpines Kitz Boutique Chalet für 14 Gäste ist ein urgemütliches, nach Altholz duftendes und vor allem exklusives Ferienhaus bei Kitzbühel.
Schon vom ersten Moment an werden die Gäste durch die behagliche Chaletatmosphäre in ein wohliges Urlaubsgefühl hineingezogen und der stressige Alltag ist sofort vergessen!

Unser alpines Chalet verfügt über insgesamt 7 Doppelzimmer für 14 Personen.

Buchen können Sie bei uns entweder das gesamte Kitz Boutique Chalet exklusiv mit 7 DZ oder die einzelnen Apartments Holunder mit 3 DZ ensuite, Alpenrose mit 2 DZ ensuite und Lavendel mit 2 DZ:

Jede der Unterkünfte hat etwas ganz Besonderes und Einzigartiges:

Kitz Boutique Chalet with 7 double rooms
Kitz Boutique Chalet with 7 double rooms
The Kitz Boutique Chalet is a large exclusive vacation chalet in modern alpine style with 7 double rooms on 3 living levels for a total of 14 guests. Luxurious, puristic and very cozy! [More]
Chalet-Apartment Holunder with 3 double rooms
Chalet-Apartment Holunder with 3 double rooms
Coziness de luxe at the fireplace combined with puristic alpine chic and high living space - this is our very cozy vacation apartment Holunder for 4-6 persons. [More]
Chalet-Apartment Alpenrose with 2 double rooms
Chalet-Apartment Alpenrose with 2 double rooms
Our charming vacation apartment Alpenrose for 2-4 persons is particularly cozy and spacious. With its irresistible fireplace lounge in timeless chalet chic, it is extremely popular with our guests. [More]
Chalet-Apartment Lavendel with 2 double rooms
Chalet-Apartment Lavendel with 2 double rooms
For relaxing wellness vacations, our cozy vacation apartment Lavendel for 2-4 persons with private wellness area is just the right thing! [More]
our beautiful Kitz Boutique Chalet is located in close proximity to the Fleckalmbahn, which will take you high up into the Kitzbühel Alps in just a few minutes


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You can reach us during opening hours by phone or email. If our phone is not busy, please send us a short text message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you!

Your Kitz Boutique Chalet Team


Kitz Boutique Chalet
Klausner Height 19
6365 Kirchberg
near Kitzbühel Tyrol, Austria

Phone: +49 (0) 174 8408000
E-mail: info@kitz-boutique-chalet.com

Service hours

As well as anytime by e-mail or
Chat on WhatsApp

Your request

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relax in your own outdoor Jacuzzi with a glass of sparkling champagne and enjoy the good mountain air and the magnificent view of the fresh, green mountains